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Manchester Digital Summer Preview

We have been very busy at Manchester Digital planning a range of new events and initiatives and thought now would be a good time to share some of our plans with you.



June 14th sees the call for nominations for the 2012 Manchester Digital Council. If you feel you can make a contribution to Manchester Digital and support the development of the sector then this is your chance. Digital has changed immeasurably and has infiltrated almost every area of modern business in the last 5 years. We are very keen to increase our level of support to new and emerging parts of the industry and to have expertise on the council in areas such as gaming, ecommerce, and systems integration. To be eligible for election you, or your organisation, must be a member of Manchester Digital, must be able to commit to attending a minimum amount of hours for meetings, represent members at meetings/ networking events, and be prepared to lead initiatives & projects. So if you want to give something back to your industry why not put yourself forward? More detail will follow on the application process in due course.


Our new website is just having the finishing touches added and some final tweaks made and will launch in June.



June will also see the official launch of our new ecommerce conference - Cartologie - a two-day conference taking place on November 8th and 9th in Manchester. It will promote learning and best practice across all elements of ecommerce, from usability and the customer journey through to payment, logistics and SEO. The conference is for ebusinesses and people who want to learn more about current and emerging technologies, it will also appeal to practitioners and technologists who wish to enhance their skills and knowledge. The content has been developed by the industry for the industry.


Employer Forum

Following on from our hugely successful Skills Summit and TalentDay we will be recruiting business owners and HR managers to join our Employer Engagement Forum. The forum will be the channel for digital businesses to raise their skills concerns and issues and by working together and with education providers, develop solutions. Invitations have gone out to those businesses who attended TalentDay and to be eligible to join the forum you will need to be a Manchester Digital member and working within the digital sector. For more information contact



Date for your diary – The Manchester Digital Barbecue will be on Thursday, July 19th at Atlas Bar, Deansgate, Manchester – tickets will be released in 2 weeks.

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